Oni | 31 location

Farakheti village - the right slope of Cheshora river gorge

Landslide High

Ghebi village - Latkishora valley, the right tributary of Rioni river

Mudslide High

Ghebi village - Latkishora valley, the right tributary of Rioni river

Lateral erosion High

The village of Khirkhonisi - the left slope of the river Rioni

Landslide Medium

Komandeli village - the left slope of Jejori river valley

Landslide High

Tchiora village - left slope of river Rioni

Landslide Low

Tchiora village - left slope of river Rioni

Mudslide Low

Oni-Shovi Highway, right bank of Rioni River

Landslide Medium

Oni-Shovi Highway, right bank of Rioni River

Rock avalanche Medium

Oni-Shovi Highway, right bank of Rioni River

Lateral erosion Medium

Villages Saka-Mazhieti highway, left slope of Sakaura river valley

Landslide High

Villages Saka-Mazhieti highway, left slope of Sakaura river valley

Rockfall High

Kutaisi-Alpana-Mamisoni central highway

Mudslide High

Kutaisi-Alpana-Mamisoni central highway

Landslide Medium

Bokva village, new central road connecting Sachkhere-Oni

Landslide Medium

Oni-Ghebi highway, the right side of the Rioni river valley

Mudslide High

Oni-Ghebi highway, the right side of the Rioni river valley

Lateral erosion High

Tchibrevi village, the left slope of the Murekhana River gorge

Landslide Medium

Village Zudali, left bench of Rioni river

Lateral erosion Medium

Village Bari

Landslide N/A

Village Bari

Rockfall N/A

The maps used in the project were produced by the National Environmental Agency.