About the Project

Our Story

The devastating landslide tragedy near the Bubis-Tskali river in August 2023 served as another geologic tragedy that could have been avoided with proper access to information and feedback opportunities. Thirty-two lives, including nine members of a single family, were lost due to the lack of preparedness and a delayed response. This profound loss served as the catalyst for our journey.


The Investigation

In the aftermath of the tragedy, we embarked on a thorough investigation to understand the practical limitations that contributed to the inadequate level of preparedness and response. Our findings exposed critical gaps:

●     Lack of local awareness: Many residents were unaware of the geological risks in their area.

●     Inadequate information for tourists: Visitors lacked crucial information about potential hazards.

●     Governmental inaction: There was a lack of preventive measures and a delayed response from authorities.

●     Community apathy: Proactive measures were lacking at the communal level.

●     Feedback absence: Residents lacked a platform to voice concerns and provide feedback.


Identified Needs

Armed with insights from our investigation, we identified key needs:

●     Transparent Information Dissemination: Accessible and honest communication about geological risks.

●     Increased Awareness: Educating both locals and tourists about potential hazards.

●     Improved Local Response: Empowering communities with the knowledge and resources to take preventive action.


Purpose of the Platform

Our platform aims to address these deficiencies by:

●     Geological Risk Education: Providing comprehensive information, risk assessments, and emergency response guidance.

●     Collaboration Facilitation: Acting as a bridge between individuals and the government, fostering transparency and accountability.

●     Feedback Mechanism: Offering residents a platform to voice concerns and evaluate the implementation of recommendations.


Guiding Principles

Our work is guided by three core principles:

●     Awareness: Increasing understanding of geological risks within communities.

●     Participation: Encouraging active involvement from residents and authorities.

●     Accountability: Holding ourselves and governmental bodies responsible for ensuring safety measures are in place.


Mission Statement

Our mission is clear: to prevent natural disasters and subsequent tragedies in Georgia by fostering accessible dissemination of information, transparency, and governmental accountability. 



Our platform offers several key features:

●     Interactive Map: Explore Georgia's regions and assess specific risks with a simple click.

●     Region-Specific Information: Detailed insights into each area's risks, danger levels, existing improvements, and photographic evidence.

●     Feedback Form: Provide feedback on the implementation of recommendations and share your suggestions for improvement.

At Geologymaps.ge, we are committed to building a safer future for Georgia, one where tragedies like the Bubis-Tskali landslide are prevented through proactive measures and community collaboration. Join us in our mission to protect lives and safeguard our communities.


Source of Information on the Website and Future Cooperation

The information published on the platform is sourced from public information obtained from the National Environmental Protection Agency in August 2023, as well as from the newsletter "Results of the Development of Natural Geological Processes in Georgia in 2021 and Forecast for 2022" issued by the National Environmental Agency in 2022. The maps, photos, and recommendations used on the platform are derived from these materials.

In our ongoing efforts to update future information and monitor the implementation of existing data and recommendations, we encourage the participation of individuals who can provide photo evidence of geological processes near their residences, current conditions, or measures taken. Please contact us. We especially welcome the involvement of my peers, school students, and members of school eco clubs or civic education clubs, as we believe that collective action is vital in nurturing our state, society, and environment.