Chkhorotsku | 18 location

Vill Tchoga

Landslide Medium

Village Akhuti

Landslide Medium

Village Lesitchine

Landslide High

Village Lesitchine

Landslide High

Village Lesitchine

Landslide Medium

Village Lesitchine, Left Slope of River Zana

Landslide High

Village Letsurtsume, River Skurcha Valley

Landslide Medium

Village Mukhuri

Landslide High

Village Kirtskhi

Landslide High

Left Bank of River Zana

Washing the river bank Medium

Right Bank of River Zana

Washing the river bank Medium

Village Napichkhovo

Landslide Medium

Village Napichkhovo

Washing the river bank Medium

Village Napichkhovo

Landslide Medium

Village Napichkhovo

Washing the river bank Medium

Village Napichkhovo

Landslide Medium

Village Napichkhovo

Washing the river bank Medium

Village Kveda Chkhorotsku

Landslide High

The maps used in the project were produced by the National Environmental Agency.