Sighnaghi, Vano Sarazhishvili first alley 5



year 2021


To prevent seasonal inflation in the subsoil and fluctuations in the level of underground water, arrange a deep drainage system around the foundation of the house and discharge the collected water in the nearest drain or collector in isolation. Also laying a waterproofing coating around the house. restoration of deformed structural elements of the balcony built on the house and strengthening of the foundation; To the west of the house, in the area of ​​a sharp change in the terrain, according to the project developed in compliance with the construction norms and rules, the arrangement of retaining wall with drainage holes based mainly on rocks.


Monitoring result

Status of the current year will be updated based on the information provided by the user.

We look forward to future updates and your involvement in monitoring the performance of existing data and recommendations. You can provide us by e-mail or through the contact form on this page, information about the geological process near your residence, current conditions, current or implemented measures with photo evidence.